Recycling and reusing materials like plastic old jars and separating recyclables is simple, but industrial waste recycling becomes complex and daunting. Industrial waste and recyclables arise in all forms and sizes.
A better understanding of the various types of recyclables and industrial waste can benefit business owners to make intelligent choices about managing their waste. Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions, landfill space, and energy consumption by using industrial waste materials to create new products.
In this blog post, we will discuss 7 ways of recycling industrial waste.
Burn the Material to Remix
Several materials, such as plastic bottles, can be remixed to create new products, such as polyester appropriate for clothes. When carried out again, however, increases the amount of harmful or undesirable compounds that are released into the environment.
Recycling materials like oil filters and transformers involves conducting a waste audit to identify recyclable materials and understand the types and quantities of waste generated in industrial processes.
Build an Eco-Brick from Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles can only recycle so many times, so many of them wind up in landfills every year. Then you can use them to construct some very cool eco-bricks instead of just throwing them away. These bricks can be used, among other things, to create paperweights, garden ornaments, and modular furniture.
Reuse Energy for the Reclamation of Waste
One of the greatest waste recycling procedures companies uses is reclamation. Processing waste through this procedure permits your business to reuse energy to generate new materials. You can distill old thermometers, batteries, and even solvents mainly used in production to recycle industrial waste and reuse it for innovative techniques.
We focus on industries with the highest solid waste generation to promote environmental sustainability, as landfill waste outweighs average individual waste.
Recycling Industrial Waste by Dumpster Bin Rentals
The majority of the waste produced by your business’s shipping, packing, and production requirements is recyclable but not reusable or composted. To initiate an industrial waste management program, identify recyclable items and set dumpster bin rentals for sorting, with recycling centers typically handling glass, paper, and plastic recycling.
Many companies handle various recycling tasks, but it’s essential to separate hazardous, compostable, and non-hazardous solid waste through dumpster bin rentals.
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Thermal Treatment and Harnessing the Harmful Gas
Energy content is present in most waste products to some degree. This energy can be used for cooking, heating, and steam generation, by the usage of high temperatures and little oxygen. One can also transform the energy content into alternative fuels by using this kind of thermal treatment.
Recycling encourages landfill avoidance, but landfills remain prevalent due to their low cost of dumping waste in abandoned areas. Therefore, the hazardous landfill gas is collected and used to produce fuel or electricity as a fragment of resource recovery.
Start a Waste Exchange and Recycling Education Program
Something that you may consider waste can be useful to another business. A waste exchange program allows companies to exchange generated waste, including off-spec products, scrap, excess, expired raw materials, or insufficient amounts for a complete process run.
Start a recycling and education program for the entire organization. Form a recycling team to find more possibilities for recycling across the business. For instance, replace the Styrofoam cups with the coffee maker and use regular silverware in the lunchroom.
Drop-off Centers for Recycling Collection
Drop-off centers are one of the straightforward procedures for gathering recyclable materials; individuals can drop off their useable plastic, glass, metal, and paper at a selected recycling drop-off site. These centers are typically place in an easily available location near a high-traffic area at the arrival of parking lots and supermarkets.